BASHing the Linux console
![BASHing the Linux console](/assets/img/research/BASHing/BASHing_Cover.jpg)
The Unix shell tricks for the Command Line Interface
- Important Commands / Apps
- Globbing
- Compression
- Cron jobs
- Redirecting input/output/error IO
- Command chains
- Grep - searching within files
- Writing / executing bash scripts
- If-conditions
- Exit codes
- Case-conditions
- For-loops
- Functions
- csvkit data processing
The following writeup contains general bash knowledge I have written down over the years and finally decided to translate into markdown.
More flags and examples are found in the internets.
Important Commands / Apps
Name | Name Description | Description | Flags | Example | |
ls, ll | list short, list long | Display the contents of the current directory -> dir sizes fake | ls [dir] | ||
long description | -l | ls -l [dir] | |||
human-readable file-sizes | -h | ls -h [dir] | |||
sort by modification time | -t | ls -t [dir] | |||
all hidden paths/dirs | -a | ls -a [dir] | |||
all files and dirs, no subdir contents | -d | ls -d [dir] | |||
all files and dirs, with sub-directories (recursive) similar to “find” or “tree” | -R | ls -R [dir] | |||
sort by extension | -X | ls -lX [dir] | |||
sort by size | -S | ls -S [dir] | |||
reverse sorting | -r | ls -r [dir] | |||
tree | prints graphic representation of files and sub-directories (non-std app) | tree [directory] | |||
root needs sudo privileges | sudo tree -F / | ||||
tree depth, level of recursion | -L | sudo tree -L 2 / | |||
du | disk usage | print dir content like “ls -lh [dir]”, but with real dir sizes | |||
pwd | print working directory | shows currently set working directory | |||
cd | change directory | changes to a different directory | cd [dir] | ||
../.. | root dir | ||||
~ | logged-in user’s home directory | ||||
. | current directory | ||||
.. | parent directory | ||||
cat | concatenate | view contents of single file | cat [File] | ||
view contents of multi files | cat [File1] [File2] | ||||
viewing a file’s content that doesn’t exit yet creates it. | cat > [File] | ||||
cut | removes sections from a text file | ||||
cp | copy | copies one or multi files, warning: if dest-file exists then it is overwritten | cp [Src-file] [Dest-file] | ||
directory copy (recursively) | -r | cp -r [Src-dir] [Dest-dir] | |||
copy files to dir | cp [Src-file1] [Src-file2] [Dest-dir] | ||||
mv | move | move or rename | mv [filename] [dest-dir] | ||
inform overwrite | -i | mv -i [file] [new_file] | |||
mkdir | make directory | create a new directory | mkdir [newdir] | ||
new dir within new dir: | mkdir -p [newdir1]/[newdir2] | ||||
touch | creates empty file or updates modification date | touch [file1] [file2] [file3] | |||
avoid create file if not exists | -c | touch -c [file] | |||
echo | print to terminal | echo [string] | |||
write to file (overwrites previous content) | echo hello > file.txt | ||||
wc | word count | count number of words | -w | wc -w [file] | |
count number of lines | -l | wc -l [file] | |||
passwd | password | changes a user’s password | |||
rm | remove | delete a file OR directory | |||
remove dir with sub-dirs | -r | rm -r [myfolder] | |||
remove with inform y/n prompt | -i | rm -i [myfile] | |||
rmdir | remove directory | deletes a directory, by default only empty dirs | rmdir [directory] | ||
more | view text files one screen at a time (superseded by ‘less’) | ||||
less | views text files, allows scrolling up and down a line or page at a time | ||||
whereis | display the file path to a specified program and related manual files | ||||
head | show the first n lines of a text file | head -n 5 [file] | |||
tail | show the last few lines of a file | tail -n 5 [file] | |||
sort | order line by line (default alphabetical) | sort [file] | |||
numerical order | -n | sort -n [file] | |||
reverse order | -r | sort -r [file] | |||
tr | translate | replace or removes characters | tr “[:lower:]” “[:upper:]” | ||
chmod | changes a file permissions (read, write, execute) | ||||
grep | g/re/p | search within a file (global regular expression print) | |||
case sensitive search | -i | ||||
recursive in subfolder files | -r | ||||
counts matches | -c | ||||
invert, show what NOT matches | -v | $ grep -v “[sawgtfixk]” [file] | |||
extended regex | + ? | -E | grep -E “e+$” [file] | ||
find | search for file in in home dir | find ~ -name [file] | |||
search in current dir | find . -name [file] | ||||
find all files ending with number | find ~ -name “*[0-9]” | ||||
locate | search for file in index database (update db with sudo updatedb) | ||||
man | open manual page of a command | man [command] | |||
info | open info page of a command | info [command] | |||
sed | works on lines (modifies words or other parts of lines, inserts, deletes) | ||||
awk | work on records with fields | ||||
which | show path of an executable specified in PATH variable | which netcat | |||
expr | expression | integer math (not supported in native bash) | expr 4 + 1 | ||
echo $((4+1)) | |||||
bc | basic calculator | decimal-place math, default rounded to 0 decimal places | echo “4.1 + 2.3” | bc | ||
define decimal places | echo “scale=3; 10/3” | bc |
Globbing is using wildcards to select multiple files and is similar to regex (see below).
any number of any character, including no characters. Example:ls question20*3
any ONE character. Example:ls question?3
class/range of characters. Example:ls file[1-3]
excluding. Example:ls file[^a]
digits. Example:ls file[[:digit:]a]
alphabetrical + numerical (digits)[:blank:]
space, tabs[:space:]
space, tabs[:cntrl:]
backspace, bell, NAK, escape[:lower:]
punctuation, period, comma, semicolon, exclamation mark, ampersand[:print:]
all printable symbols = alphabetical + numerical + space[:xdigit:]
bzip2, gzip, xy
bzip2 [file]` --> `bunzip2 [file2.bz2]
gzip [file]` –> `gunzip [file3.gz]
xz [file]` --> `unxz [file.xz]
Gzipping deletes the original, gunzipping deletes the zipped file
Compression levels
gzip -1 [file]` or `gzip -9 [file]
1 = weak, 9 = strong
Access files while they are still compressed
Bzip2: bzcat
, bzgrep
, bzless
, bzmore
Gzip: zcat
, zgrep
, zdiff
, zless
, zmore
Xy: xycat
, xygrep
, xyless
, xymore
tar archives
Crating a tarball archive
tar -cf [new-tar-dir.tar] [file/dir-worked-on 1] [file/dir-worked-on 2]
c = create, f = filename
View contents of tarball
tar -tf [file.tar]
t = view
Add/update file to exiting tarball archive (only works uncompressed)
tar -uf [file.tar] [file/dir-worked-on 1] [file/dir-worked-on 2]
u = update
Extract tarball archive
tar -xf [file.tar]
x = extract
Extract single file of tarball archive
tar -xf [file.tar] [compression/hosts.gz]
x = extract with f = filename inside the tarball
Compressed tar archives (double ending .tar.gz or .tgz)
tar -czf gzip.tar.gz [file/dir-worked-on 1] [file/dir-worked-on 2]
tar -cjf bzip2.tar.bz2 [file/dir-worked-on 1] [file/dir-worked-on 2]
tar -cJf xz.tar.xz [file/dir-worked-on 1] [file/dir-worked-on 2]
c = create, z = gzip, j = bzip2, J = xy, f = filename
Unzipping .tgz
gunzip [archive.tgz]
tar xf [archive.tar]
Managing zip files
zip -9 [][file-worked-on] # 0-9 compression level
zip -r [] [file/dir-worked-on 1] [file/dir-worked-on 2]
r = recursively all subfolders
rm -rf [file/dir-worked-on 1]
Unlike the other file formats, zipping does NOT automatically delete the uncompressed file.
unzip []
Cron jobs
crontab -l
List all cron jobs
crontab -e
Edit list of cron jobs, select editor
Alternative: Open crontab file with nano crontab
or vim crontab
crontab -r
Delete the current cron jobs
nano /etc/crontab
* * * * * /path/to/command arg1 arg2
* * * * * /root/backup.txt
Increment | Range | |
first * | minutes | [0-59] |
second * | hours | [0-23] |
third * | day | [0-31] |
tourth * | month | [0-12] |
fifth * | day of week | [0-7] |
Example 1:
Task: Run backup script on first day of each month at 21h.
0 21 1 * * /path/to/script/
Example 2:
Task: Run php script every day at 10 AM.
0 10 * * * /path/to/myphpscript.php
Example 3:
Task: Run every hour at minute 0.
0 * * * * /path/to/myphpscript.php
Redirecting input/output/error IO
Keyboard input (stdout, channel 0)
Screen print (stdout, channel 1)
Crate/overwrite a text file with (string) output contents using >
echo "Hello World!" > text.txt
Create/append a text file with (string) output contents using >>
echo "Hello to you too!" >> text.txt
Error (stderr, channel 2)
Create/overwrite a text containing error message using 2>
find /usr games 2> text-error.txt
If no error occurs, nothing will be saved to text file.
Create/append a text containing error message using 2>>
sort /etc 2>> text-error.txt
Redirecting to ‘/dev/null’ bit bucket (suppress output)
sort /etc 2> /dev/null
Substituting keyboard input with file contents
Input data to a command, from file instead of a keyboard. Used with commands that don’t accept file arguments.
cat < text.txt
Translate delete letter l in text
tr -d "l" < text.txt
Combo redirects (channel 1 screen & channel 2 error)
find /usr admin &> newfile.txt
Command chains
Sequential runs in a command line with ;
; links commands together and runs sequentially. Inputs and outputs are separate.
Piping | redirect output to next command as input
Redirect output to next input.
Show contents of passwd file -> make page scrollable
cat /etc/passwd | less
Show all files -> only top 10 -> word count only words
ls -l | head | wc -w
Redirect output only if successful
links commands together, but only runs the 2nd command if the 1st succeeds.
csvlook SpotifyData_All.csv && csvstat SpotifyData_All.csv
Grep - searching within files
grep “[regex-term]” [file]
grep “exact-string” /etc/passwd
-i case sensitive search
-r recursive in subfolder files
-c counts matches
-v invert, show what NOT matches
-E extended regex | + ?
Regex for grep and more
Expression | Description |
. | any char except newline |
[abcABC] | match any char in brackets |
[^abcABC] | match any char except the ones in brackets |
[a-z] | match any char in range |
[^a-z] | match any char except in range |
sun|moon | or |
^ | start of line |
$ | end of line |
* | Zero or more of the preceding pattern (requires -E) |
+ | One or more of the preceding pattern (requires -E) |
? | Zero or one of the preceding pattern (requires -E) |
1 All lines containing the word cat anywhere on the line.
grep "cat" /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic
2 All lines that do not contain (inverse) any of the following characters: sawgtfixk.
grep -v "[sawgtfixk]" /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic
3 All lines that start with any 3 letters and the word dig.
grep "^...dig" /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic
4 All lines that end with at least one e.
grep -E "e+$" /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic
5 All lines that contain one of the following words: org , kay or tuna.
grep -E "org|kay|tuna" /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic
6 Number count of lines that start with one or no c followed by the string ati.
grep -cE "^c?ati" /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.dic
Writing / executing bash scripts
All scripts should begin with a shebang, which defines the path to the interpreter (#!/bin/bash).
All scripts should include comments to describe their use (#…).
Edit scripts with cat -n []
(n=line numbers)
No spaces before/after = assigning variables.
Call variable with $ before variable ($username).
$# env. variable with count of arguments passed.
$? env. variable with error codes (0=no error).
$@ or #* env. variable containing ALL passed arguments.
$1 - $9 = explicit call of positional parameters 1-9
Single quotes (‘ ‘). Literal interpretation (variable substitution won’t work).
Double quotes (“ “). Variable substitution works. Example: “$var” -> varcontent.
Back ticks (
` `
). Content gets fetched from a sub-shell.Parenthesis method $(). Content gets fetched from a sub-shell. Example: var=“Today’s date is $(date).”
Variables are always considered type=str -> math doesn’t work out of the box.
echo 'echo "Hello World!"' >
Specify interpreter in first line of script -> comment with shebang! (bash folder)
echo '#!/bin/bash \n echo "Hello World!"' >
Add access permissions to script file + execute script
chmod +x []
Single quotes vs double quotes
username=”Carol Smith”
echo "Hello $username!"
echo ‘Hello $username!’
Hello Carol Smith! Hello $username!
Script Arguments
Input: Carol Dave
echo "Hello $username1 and $username2!"
Hello Carol and Dave!
Number of Script Arguments ($#)
Input: Carol Dave
echo "Hello $username!"
echo "Number of arguments: $#."
Hello Carol! Number of arguments: 2.
Shell-within-a-shell calculation
echo “Total score is $(echo $model1 + $model2 | bc)”
echo “Average score is $(echo ‘scale=2; ($model1 + $model2) / 2’ | bc)”
Converting temperature units (pass °F as parameter)
Input: 84
temp_f2=$(echo "scale=2; $temp_f - 32" | bc)
temp_c=$(echo "scale=2; $temp_f2 * 5 / 9" | bc)
echo $temp_c
Script creating variables from files
temp_a=$(cat temps/region_A)
temp_b=$(cat temps/region_B)
temp_c=$(cat temps/region_C)
echo "The three temperatures were $temp_a, $temp_b, and $temp_c"
The three temperatures were 45, 22, and 32
Scalar comparison operators
equal (=)
not equal (!=)
greater than (>)
greater or equal (>=)
less than (<)
less or equal(<=)
String Comparison Operators
abc == abc
abc == ABC
1 == 1
1+1 == 2
Example 1
If one argument is passed [ $# -eq 1 ]
, then echo greeting, else raise error, finish if, print $#
Input: Carol
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
echo "Hello $username!"
echo "Please enter only one argument."
echo "Number of arguments: $#."
Hello Carol! Number of arguments: 1.
Example 2
Input: 3 0
if [ $1 -lt $# ]
echo "This is like comparing $fruit1 and $fruit2!"
elif [ $1 -gt $2 ]
echo "$fruit1 win!"
echo "$fruit2 win!"
Apples win!
Exit codes
Make your own exit codes and end script there
Input: Carol
# A simple script to greet a single user.
if [ $# -eq 1 ]
echo "Hello $username!"
exit 0
echo "Please enter only one argument."
exit 1
echo "Number of arguments: $#." #never executed, since exited before
Hello Carol!
echo $?
check exit code
Indsead of long chains of if/else-statements, case-statements are simpler to write.
Feed in filename as script argument ($1)
case $1 in
# Match on all months with OR pipes
echo "It is an odd month!";;
# Match on all even months
echo "It is an even month!";;
# Default case if no match (i.e., else)
echo "Not a month!";;
Feed in filename as script argument ($1) cat through the file contents and move or remove the files.
case $(cat $1) in
mv $1 frankfurt/ ;;
rm $1 ;;
mv $1 "SPECIAL_$1" ;;
# Defaultcase if no match
echo "No city found" ;;
Pattern: `for [indexing_var] in [iterable] do [something] done
Example 1
FILES="/usr/sbin/accept /usr/sbin/pwck/ usr/sbin/chroot"
for file in $FILES
ls -lh $file
Example 2
Loop through parameters and print each parameter
Input: Carol Dave Henry
# if there are no parameters passed
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "Please enter at least one user to greet."
exit 1
for username in $@
echo "Hello $username!"
exit 0
Hello Carol! Hello Dave! Hello Henry!
Example 3
Loop through parameters and check for alphabetical symbols
Input: Carol Dave Henry
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "Please enter at least one user to greet."
exit 1
for username in $@
echo $username | grep "^[A-Za-z]*$" > /dev/null
# if the line above produced an error code
if [ $? -eq 1 ]
echo "ERROR: Names must only contain letters."
exit 2
echo "Hello $username!"
exit 0
Hello Carol! Hello Dave! Hello Henry! 42 Carol Dave Henry
ERROR: Names must only contain letters.
echo $?
check number of passed arguments 2
Example 4
A script that will take any number of arguments from the user, and print only those arguments which are numbers greater than 10.
for arg in $@
# strip all numerical symbols
echo $arg | grep "^[0-9]*$" > /dev/null
# if the above produced NO error code
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
if [ arg -lt 10 ]
echo $arg
Example 5
A script combining for-loop and case-statements to sort files into folders based on contents or remove them.
# loop through files in folder
for file in model_output/*
# cat into file's content
case $(cat $file) in
# Matched tree models are moved
*"Random Forest"*|*GBM*|*XGBoost*)
mv $file tree_model/ ;;
# Other Models are deleted/removed
rm $file ;;
# Default case if no match (i.e., else)
echo "Unknown model in $file" ;;
A function with no parameters gets set up with the keyword function and curly braces.
Variables defined within a function are always in global scope, unlike other programming languages. Instead, they have to be declared as local.
The return option is not for returning data, but for error codes (0 = no error, 1-255 = failure). To get data out of a function, the variable can be echoed and/or declared a global variable.
Example 1
function cloud_load () {
# loop through all files
for file in output_dir/*results*
# do something
echo "Uploading $file to cloud"
# call
Example 2
However, it also works without the keyword.
what_day_is_it () {
# Parse date
local current_day=$(date | cut -d " " -f1)
echo $current_day
# call
Returning Data and Arguments
Arguments for functions are handled with $1
, $2
, $#
as with shell scripts. They do not get declared when writing the function, but all get passed as positional parameters.
function return_percentage () {
# Do calculation on passed parameters
percent=$(echo "scale=2; 100 * $1 / $2" | bc)
# print the data
echo $percent
# Call function
return_test=$(return_percentage 410 55)
echo "The percentage is $return_test%"
The percentage is 745.45%
csvkit data processing
csv kit can do csv processing similarl to Pandas data frames.
Install using Python pip
pip install csvkit
in2csv converting files to csvkit
Print excel spreadsheet
in2csv My_data.xlsx
Print excel sheet names with flag -n
in2csv -n My_Data.xlsx
Excel to csv
in2csv My_Data.xlsx > My_Data.csv
Excel sheet to csv
in2csv My_Data.xlsx --sheet "Worksheet1" > My_Data_worksheet1.csv
csvlook csv preview in shell
Print a csv like a markdown table.
csvlook My_data.csv
id | size |
118GQ70Sp6pMqn6w1oKuki | 7 |
6S7cr72a7a8RVAXzDCRj6m | 7 |
7h2qWpMJzIVtiP30E8VDW4 | 7 |
3KVQFxJ5CWOcbxdpPYdi4o | 7 |
0JjNrI1xmsTfhaiU1R6OVc | 7 |
3HjTcZt29JUHg5m60QhlMw | 7 |
csvstat descriptive statistics
Similar to the pandas command pandas.DataFrame.describe
csvstat My_data.csv
- “id” Type of data: Text Contains null values: False Unique values: 24 Longest value: 22 characters Most common values: 118GQ70Sp6pMqn6w1oKuki (1x) 6S7cr72a7a8RVAXzDCRj6m (1x)
csvcut column cutting
Print column names with flag -n
csvcut -n My_Data.csv
Print first, third, fifth columns by positional argument
csvcut -c 1,3,5 My_Data.csv
Print a column by name
csvcut -c "id","size" My_Data.csv
csvgrep search in csv
exact row value to filter
select column
csvgrep -c "id" -m 5RCPsfzmEpTXMCTNk7wEfQ My_Data.csv
regex pattern
path to a file/filename
csvstack vertical stacking
csvstack My_data1.csv My_data2.csv > My_data_complete.csv
csvlook My_data_complete.csv
id | size |
7JYCpIzpoidDOnnmxmHwtj | 6 |
0mmFibEg5NuULMwTVN2tRU | 6 |
118GQ70Sp6pMqn6w1oKuki | 7 |
6S7cr72a7a8RVAXzDCRj6m | 7 |
Add a group column that traces the original file with flag -g and a group name with flag -n
csvstack -g "data1","data2" -n "source" My_data1.csv My_data2.csv > My_data_complete.csv
csvlook My_data_complete.csv
source | id | size |
data1 | 7JYCpIzpoidDOnnmxmHwtj | 6 |
data1 | 0mmFibEg5NuULMwTVN2tRU | 6 |
data2 | 118GQ70Sp6pMqn6w1oKuki | 7 |
data2 | 6S7cr72a7a8RVAXzDCRj6m | 7 |
sql2csv load from sql database
Executes an SQL query on a large variety of SQL databases (e.g., MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sqlite) and outputs result to csv.
Establishing database connection
is followed by the database connection string
SQLite: starts with sqlite:///
and ends with .db
Postgres: starts with postgres:///
and no .db
MySQL: starts with mysql:///
and with no .db
Querying against the database
is followed by the SQL query string
Use SQL syntax compatible with the database
Write query in one line with no line breaks
Saving the output
re-directs output to new local csv
sql2csv --db "sqlite:///TwitterDatabase.db" \
--query "SELECT * FROM Twitter_Size" \
> Twitter_size.csv
Write SQL queries against csv
Applies SQL statements to one or more csv. Creates an in-memory SQL database that temporarily hosts the Suitable for small to medium files only
contains the sql statement
csvsql --query "SELECT * FROM Twitter_data LIMIT 1" \
data/Twitter_data.csv | csvlook
Query joined tables/csv files
The sql query must be written in one line without breaks.
The order of files in the query and the csv files after that must match.
csvsql --query "SELECT * FROM file_a INNER JOIN file_b" file_a.csv file_b.csv
Upload csv to database
Create tables and insert into tables.
csv file to insert into table --db
address --no-inference
Disable type inference when parsing the input --no-constraints
Generate a schema without length limits or null checks
csvsql --no-inference --no-constraints \
--db "sqlite:///TwitterDatabase.db" \
--insert Twitter_data.csv